Individual Leadership

Making the meaningful moments count

Written by Faith Bartell

3 Min Read

Personal and professional relationships have the power to exponentially improve your life. But to foster the close and compelling connections that inspire success, you must be thoughtful and rhythmic about your interactions.

Siegfried’s MY Relationships™ program supports our employees in initiating these key relationships and networking in a meaningful way. MY Relationships™ is a facet of MY Journey® that encourages you to form authentic and mutually beneficial connections with those around you, both in your career and in your personal life. Earlier this year, Chrissy Kelly, a Senior Associate in Siegfried’s Boston market, put the program’s tools and guidance to good use when planning her fiancé’s 30th birthday.

Chrissy decided to take her fiancé, Connor, his immediate family, and his long-time friend, Pat, to Pasta Beach, a restaurant in Newport, RI. The dinner was focused on strengthening Chrissy’s close, most meaningful connections in a small and intentional setting, touching upon a key goal of the MY Relationships™ program.

“You might think – what does having dinner with your future in-laws have to do with your career? Well, we’re not doing MY Relationships™ just to enhance your professional network,” commented Rob Siegfried, CEO and Founder. “It’s about building your relationships, practicing meeting with your connections, and learning how to take your relationships to the next level.”

Enjoying good company

The night was both a milestone celebration and a reunion, and the group spent the evening laughing, exchanging funny stories from the past, and creating new memories with Chrissy. Creatures of habit, Chrissy and Connor typically frequent the same few restaurants in Newport, so Pasta Beach was a nice departure from their usual spots. For Chrissy, this was also a great opportunity to focus on family and deepen her relationships with her soon-to-be in-laws – connections that are extremely important to her personal happiness and growth.

“It was great being with everyone since we rarely spend time all together,” reflected Chrissy. “It was very intimate, which just can’t be replicated in larger settings, like at family holidays and events.”

Let the conversation flow

As a birthday celebration, work wasn’t the gathering’s focus, but it’s a big part of everyone’s lives and was destined to be a topic of conversation. This was especially true in a group with such a diverse range of careers – from the Vice President of a Fortune 500 company, to a recent retiree, to somebody who had experienced a career change that week.

“‘How’s your job?’ is just a natural question that comes up,” Chrissy explained. “I’m always happy to say that my job is great, and I’ve found a Firm that’s a good fit.”

Enhancing your life

MY Relationships™ is about enhancing your life through your connections, whether it be at work or at home with your close family and friends, and Chrissy was inspired to do something thoughtful with an incredibly important group of people who probably wouldn’t have gotten together in the same way otherwise.

“Siegfried’s higher purpose is to exponentially improve your life and the lives of those around you,” said Chrissy. “With this higher purpose in mind, I was able to celebrate my fiancé’s 30th birthday and focus on my close personal connections in a meaningful way.”

Ultimately, the MY Relationships™ program encourages having fun, memorable, and interesting interactions that serve your life and growth – whatever that looks like for you. Since Connor’s birthday dinner, Chrissy has continued to strengthen her connections with the group. She ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon with Pat, a shared passion of theirs, and spent a week with Connor’s family in Palm Beach. “That’s what sets Siegfried apart,” shared Chrissy. “It’s a company that values not just professional relationships, but the personal ones as well.”

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